5 keys To an epidural-Free Birth:

Natural Birth Demystified

By Naomi Ignas

In this eBook, you'll learn:

  • how to prepare your Mind and body Before labor begins

  • The difference between pain and suffering – and what to do about it!

  • concise steps to Empower you while leaving room for the Unexpected

  • realistic Examples of Navigating labor intensity

  • real stories from a birth educator, doula, and mother



A great job not putting any stigma on any type of birth. ANY woman could apply this to their birth!

- Jenni


This is invaluable information given in a very digestible way!

- Gaia


Oh my goodness! I love this book.

I wish I had this book 6 kids ago!

- Deitra

Meet Your BIRTH guide

Naomi IGnas

Birth and Postpartum Educator Naomi Ignas of Songbird Birth Services has over 12 years of experience with birth both at home and the hospital. She is a passionate advocate for birth choices and she is trauma-informed.

Her experience birthing her son at home at 42 weeks while receiving dual care from a hospital OB and traditional homebirth Midwife proved eye-opening. Through her established relationships with NICU nurses, naturopaths, midwives, lactation consultants, and mental health experts, along with ongoing training in fields pertaining to birth, postpartum, and parenting, Naomi brings up-to-date and practical information to her clients for informed and empowered decision-making.

Songbird Birth Services LLC © 2024